BIPS Calculation Example
Scenario 1:
Lock vlSYNO (>5% of Supplied Assets)
Supplied to the Market
Outcome: Earn Supply/ Borrow BIPS and vlSYNO BIPS
Scenario 2:
Lock vlSYNO
Nothing supplied on the market
Outcome: Earn vlSYNO BIPS
Scenario 3:
No vlSYNO Lock or Locked <5% of supplied assets
Supplied to the Market
Outcome: Earn only Supply/Borrow BIPS
Practical Example:
User A deposits $100 OP tokens and borrows $50 USDC. He doesn't have any vlSYNO.
This user is earning 100 BIPS per deposit per day and 300 BIPS per borrow per day, as USDC is boosted.
He is eligible for SYNO Emissions and his pro-rata allocation of ecosystem airdrops.
He decides to boost his BIPS with vlSYNO. He locks $10 into vlSYNO.
At the current prices, $10 = 40 LP Tokens. Furthermore, he decides to lock it for 12 months, getting a multiplier of 25x. This means he is getting 1000 vlSYNO (40 LP Tokens X 25). Currently vlSYNO receives 0.5 BIPS per vlSYNO per Day, meaning the user is eligible for additional 500 BIPS per day.
In total the user receives 900 BIPS per day.
With vlSYNO locked, he not only boosted his BIPS position but also is now eligible for governance and fees distribution.
Last updated