Obtaining vlSYNO

To obtain vlSYNO, users would have to provide liquidity on Balancer and choose one of the following multiplier options depending on the time of the lock:

  • 1 month - 2x

  • 3 month - 5x

  • 6 months - 11x

  • 12 months - 25x

The multiplier is used to calculate the vlSYNO BIPS, which acts as a boost for Money Market Supply and Borrow positions and will be used for pro-rata calculation in SYNO Emissions and ecosystem allocations.

To be eligible for vlSYNO BIPS, you have to maintain eligibility: your vlSYNO lock should be more than 5% of your supplied assets.

Please note: Locking purely vlSYNO allows you to earn vlSYNO BIPS. The only situation in which you would not earn vlSYNO BIPS from an existing lock is if your lock is <5% of the Supplied assets. However, only locking vlSYNO without money market participation is risky due to the impermanent loss and locking of assets, hence there is a reward for vlSYNO via BIPS.

To obtain vlSYNO, please start with providing liquidity on Balancer

Balancer (Arbitrum) 80/20 composition (80% SYNO & 20% wETH):

Then navigate to the lock page on the Dapp, choose your multiplier and lock your Balancer Pool Tokens.

Don't forget: your vlSYNO lock should be more than 5% of your supplied assets to be eligible for vlSYNO BIPS.

Last updated