
Tokens breakdown


  • SYNO - the protocol token

  • tSYNO - locked SYNO for users who want to convert their NEWO tokens to SYNO tokens

  • rCT - rewards claim token - veNEWO holders who converted their NEWO tokens to SYNO tokens, can receive also rCT tokens

  • vlSYNO - locked Balancer ETH-SYNO LP tokens


A standard ERC20 token



  • Allows users to lock their Balancer ETH-SYNO LP tokens for a certain period of time

  • Params

    • amount



  • Initiates the unstaking process, which involves a 7 days cooldown period. After you request an unstake, you have to wait at least 7 days to be able to unstake your vlSYNO and receive your LP tokens

  • Params

    • index - the index of the sake to be unstaked. Can be retrieved from the vlSYNO.Staked events


  • Finalizes the unstaking process initiated by vlSYNO.requestUnstake(...). Retrieves the LP tokens and returns them to the user.

  • Params

    • index - the index of the sake to be unstaked. Can be retrieved from the vlSYNO.Staked events


  • When a vlSYNO stake expires, it no longer earns bonus APY, instead of unstaking it, waiting 7 days cooldown period and then staking it again, a user can immediately restake it.

  • Params

    • index - the index of the sake to be restaked. Can be retrieved from the vlSYNO.Staked events


This smart contract allows users to convert their NEWO tokens to tSYNO and rCT tokens.


The input for TokenConverter.convertWithProof(...) function. The input values must match the merkle tree leafs:

  • amount

    • must be lesser or equal to rCTCap/multiplier

    • this much NEWO will be converted to tSYNO

  • proof - merkle tree proof

  • index - merkle tree index

  • rCTCap

  • multiplier


  • This function converts NEWO to tSTYNO and rCT tokens

  • This function should called once only. If you want to convert your NEWO in stages, use TokenConverter.convert(...) for subsequent conversions

  • It's required to use this function if the user is eligible to rCT tokens

  • Params

    • ethereumClaim - a proof of rCT eligibility from Ethereum

    • avalancheClaim - a proof of rCT eligibility from Avalanche

    • disclaimerSignature - a signed disclaimer (TokenConverter.disclaimer)


  • This function converts NEWO to tSTYNO and rCT tokens

    • For users who are veNEWO stakes and called TokenConverter.convertWithProof(...) first

    • For all the other users

  • Params

    • network

      • The origin network for the NEWO you want to convert

      • ITokenConverter.Network: ETHEREUM | AVALANCHE

    • amount

      • this much NEWO will be converted to tSYNO

      • if you are eligible to rCT tokens and called TokenConverter.convertWithProof(...) previously, you'll receive rCT tokens as well.

    • disclaimerSignature - a signed disclaimer (TokenConverter.disclaimer)



  • tSYNO tokens will be converted to SYNO tokens when unstaked. If unstaked before the lock period elapses, a penalty is applied. The penalty starts at 90% and decreases linearly to 0% over the lock period. The penalty is transferred to the protocol treasury.

  • Unstaking tSYNO tokens will result in permanently burning corresponding rCT tokens.

  • Params

    • amount



For every asset distributed by the protocol to the users (rewards, emissions, yield) there is a RewardsDistributor instance.


  • Allows to claim rewards for multiple epochs

  • Params

    • inputs - a list of merkle tree proofs (RewardsDistributor.ClaimInput) for the distribution claims

Last updated